February 16, 2018
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Lisa Van Fleet
Partner - Bryan Cave LLP
Topic: Managing Your Fiduciary Exposure
Defined contribution plan investment committees are tasked with enormous responsibility to make fiduciary decisions on behalf of their DC plan participants. Good governance practices can make their role much easier and less stressful. These concepts are illuminated in the presentation that Lisa Van Fleet, Partner, Bryan Cave will share at this workshop. She will provide information and tools that investment committees need to fulfill their fiduciary obligations and minimize exposure to fiduciary legal claims.
Chris Luonguo
Institutional Portfolio Manager - Fidelity
Srinivas Maloor PhD
Senior Research Analyst, Target Date Strategies, Global Asset Allocation - Fidelity
Topic: The Future of Target Date Investing - How modern artificial-intelligence and machine-learning frameworks can improve retirement outcomes.
The financial markets have historically featured distinctive extended time periods (i.e., “states”) and shorter cyclical market environments (i.e., “regimes”) that have influenced the risk and return characteristics of asset classes. For any long-term investment strategy, such as a Target Date fund, understanding the impact of states and regimes—and the transitions between different market environments—can provide insights that inform the ongoing development of a glide path, the major driver of a target date strategy’s return and risk over time. Fidelity uses proprietary machine learning and artificial-intelligence–based frameworks to deconstruct historical financial market environments. This research helps provide investors in our target date strategy with a portfolio that seeks to be resilient to different market environments, and flexible enough to evolve with the dynamic nature of the markets.
Tom Waters
Vice President, Senior Institutional DC Strategist - Franklin Templeton Institutional
Topic: The Retirement Tier: An Innovative Approach to Retirement Payout
In the DC industry, we recognize that all participants are unique, yet we allow ourselves to make some seemingly reasonable assumptions to inform the way we structure our plans. What if those assumptions don’t accurately capture the real world complexity faced by most households? Our presentation will lay out some of the myths about retirement that guide common thinking in the DC industry, and examine how this misguided thinking affects our approach to the retirement spending challenge. We believe this flawed model leads us to a false belief that a mythical retirement income solution will work for all participants approaching retirement. We argue that the inherent complexity and heterogeneity in financing retirement spending calls for an array of potential solutions for plan participants—from targeted communications to purpose-built tools and investment options. We call it the Retirement Tier.
Conor Sullivan
Senior Vice President - Voya Investment Management
Topic: Behavioral Finance and the Future of Improving Retirement Outcomes in the Digital World
Conor Sullivan, Senior Vice President at Voya Investment Management, will share research from Voya Financial's Behavioral Finance Institute for Innovation, which is focused on gaining deeper insights into Americans' financial and retirement planning decisions. The Institute's work is differentiated by its ability to merge behavioral science and retirement outcomes with the speed and scale of the digital world. In his discussion, he'll also share insights regarding holistic financial wellness and best practices for plan design.
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[/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][cs_element_section _id=”39″][cs_row inner_container=”false” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][x_custom_headline level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”false”]Workshop Speakers[/x_custom_headline][x_gap size=”10px” id=”speakers”][cs_text id=”speakers”]Lisa Van Fleet
Partner – Bryan Cave LLP
Topic: Managing Your Fiduciary Exposure
Defined contribution plan investment committees are tasked with enormous responsibility to make fiduciary decisions on behalf of their DC plan participants. Good governance practices can make their role much easier and less stressful. These concepts are illuminated in the presentation that Lisa Van Fleet, Partner, Bryan Cave will share at this workshop. She will provide information and tools that investment committees need to fulfill their fiduciary obligations and minimize exposure to fiduciary legal claims.
Chris Luonguo
Institutional Portfolio Manager – Fidelity
Srinivas Maloor PhD
Senior Research Analyst, Target Date Strategies, Global Asset Allocation – Fidelity
Topic: The Future of Target Date Investing – How modern artificial-intelligence and machine-learning frameworks can improve retirement outcomes.
The financial markets have historically featured distinctive extended time periods (i.e., “states”) and shorter cyclical market environments (i.e., “regimes”) that have influenced the risk and return characteristics of asset classes. For any long-term investment strategy, such as a Target Date fund, understanding the impact of states and regimes—and the transitions between different market environments—can provide insights that inform the ongoing development of a glide path, the major driver of a target date strategy’s return and risk over time. Fidelity uses proprietary machine learning and artificial-intelligence–based frameworks to deconstruct historical financial market environments. This research helps provide investors in our target date strategy with a portfolio that seeks to be resilient to different market environments, and flexible enough to evolve with the dynamic nature of the markets.
Tom Waters
Vice President, Senior Institutional DC Strategist – Franklin Templeton Institutional
Topic: The Retirement Tier: An Innovative Approach to Retirement Payout
In the DC industry, we recognize that all participants are unique, yet we allow ourselves to make some seemingly reasonable assumptions to inform the way we structure our plans. What if those assumptions don’t accurately capture the real world complexity faced by most households? Our presentation will lay out some of the myths about retirement that guide common thinking in the DC industry, and examine how this misguided thinking affects our approach to the retirement spending challenge. We believe this flawed model leads us to a false belief that a mythical retirement income solution will work for all participants approaching retirement. We argue that the inherent complexity and heterogeneity in financing retirement spending calls for an array of potential solutions for plan participants—from targeted communications to purpose-built tools and investment options. We call it the Retirement Tier.
Conor Sullivan
Senior Vice President – Voya Investment Management
Topic: Behavioral Finance and the Future of Improving Retirement Outcomes in the Digital World
Conor Sullivan, Senior Vice President at Voya Investment Management, will share research from Voya Financial’s Behavioral Finance Institute for Innovation, which is focused on gaining deeper insights into Americans’ financial and retirement planning decisions. The Institute’s work is differentiated by its ability to merge behavioral science and retirement outcomes with the speed and scale of the digital world. In his discussion, he’ll also share insights regarding holistic financial wellness and best practices for plan design.