Fee Analysis & Benchmarking

We support trustees in fulfilling their fiduciary review process by comparing plan/manager fees to ensure reasonableness.


Fees play an important role in overall portfolio considerations. Choosing between active and passive investment management strategies, hiring a reasonably priced manager within their given market capitalization, and ensuring recordkeeping or administrative fees are in line with industry-standard are just a few of the responsibilities taken on by the fiduciaries of the plan. DeMarche provides guidance on fee reviews and benchmarking for all plan types, protecting plan participants from paying unreasonable fees and subsequently bolstering the fiduciary review process on behalf of trustees.


Institutional Investment Management Focus Team |  Fee Analysis & Benchmarking

Mark A. Andes

Senior Consultant, Manager of Investment Research for Alternative Assets

Donald H. Lennard

Senior Consultant

Ryan M. Pickert

Director of Business Development

Adam J. Strumpf, CAIA

Senior Consultant, Chief Compliance Officer, Manager of Investment Research

Whether you’re an Institution looking for investment services or a Manager looking to contribute to our research program, we’re here to help.