Chad Gloudeman is a Senior Analyst in Investment Manager Research at DeMarche. He specializes in manager due diligence. He is responsible for providing the Manager of Research and DeMarche Consultants with due diligence on new investment offerings and evaluations of institutional investment managers. He is also responsible for conducting thorough research and analysis of potential investment opportunities for clients. He serves as a member of the MARC Advisory Committee.
Before joining DeMarche, Chad began his career at KeyBank as a Financial Analyst and later transitioning to an Investor Reporting Analyst II. His most recent experience was as an Asset Management/Real Estate Analyst, providing due diligence, underwriting, and other services to Institutional CMBS Investors.
Chad earned his Bachelor of Science in Marketing and Management Information Systems from Emporia State University. While in school, he was a linebacker for the ESU Hornets football team and was active in Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity.